Share and analyst information
Entra targets a dividend payout ratio of approximately 60 % of Cash Earnings defined as net result from property management less payable tax.
Considering the current market situation, the Board wishes to signal that the Board's decision will be affected by the future development in the financing and property market, and that such decision may be to retain up to 100 % of the cash flow in order to strengthen the company’s balance sheet.
Shareholder list as registered in VPS
A daily updated list of Entra's registered shafeholders can be accessed through the Public Shareholder Portal, provided by Euronext Securities.
Shareholder list with nominee accounts disclosure
A list of Entra's shareholders, including the disclosure of nominee accounts as of 31 January 2025, can be found here.
Source: Modular Finance AB. Data collected and analysed from multiple sources, including VPS, Morningstar and Nasdaq.
Company | Analyst | Phone | |
ABG Sundal Collier |
Bengt Jonassen |
bengt.jonassen@abgsc.no | +47 48 01 60 98 |
Barclays |
Paul May |
paul.j.may@barclays.com | +44 73 87 23 81 65 |
Carnegie |
Fredric Cyon |
fredric.cyon@carnegie.se | +46 73 41 78 83 8 |
DNB Markets |
Simen Mortensen |
simen.mortensen@dnb.no | +47 95 40 81 17 |
Goldman Sachs |
Jonathan Kownator |
jonathan.kownator@gs.com | +44 20 70 51 29 74 |
Handelsbanken |
Johan Edberg |
joed02@handelsbanken.se | +46 87 01 43 51 |
Kempen |
John Vuong |
j.vuong@vanlanschotkempen.com | +31 68 29 74 89 9 |
Kepler Chevreux / Swedbank |
Albin Sandberg |
asandberg@keplercheuvreux.com | +46 87 23 51 75 |
Nordea |
Martine E. S. Kverne |
martine.kverne@nordea.com | +47 47 65 41 23 |
Pareto Securities |
Viktor Hökenhammar |
Viktor.Hokenhammar@paretosec.com | +46 79 00 67 51 4 |
Pareto Securities |
Emil Ekholm |
emil.ekholm@paretosec.com | +46 84 02 52 77 |
SpareBank 1 Markets |
Vetle Wilhelmsen |
Vetle.Wilhelmsen@sb1markets.no | +47 47 68 47 48 |
Primary insiders
Entra defines its members of the board of directors and the management teamas primary insiders.
Registrar and auditor
If you have any questions regarding your holding of Entra shares, please contact our registrar:
Custody service/Issuer service
P.O. 1600 Sentrum
N-0021 Oslo
Phone: +47 232 68 021
E-mail: kua@dnb.no
Entra is audited by:
Dronning Eufemias gate 14, P.O. 221 Sentrum
N-0103 Oslo
Phone: +47 232 79 000